Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Camera

 Matt gave me a new camera for Valentine's Day.  He was too excited about it to keep it a secret, I guess, so I got it a little early! It's a small one that I can throw in my purse and have with me all the time.  I have only had big cameras that have big camera cases that I have to haul around, so I am excited about this one.  But it could mean a whole lot more pictures!!! So you've been warned! Here's our weekend of me trying out my new camera.

 New shoes!
All Matt's idea- I would have never bought them.

 Ashlyn had to get some too!

 Kaylie LOVES bathtime!
I say "time to take a bath" and she squeals in delight!
But the girls don't like it when she's in with them because they have to hold her and they don't get to play.  And she's pretty squirmy and slippery when wet!

 Fun in Ashlyn's ball house.

 Ready for church.
Sunday before Valentine's Day- lots of red!
We have 11:00 church so we have a little more time to take pictures!

1 comment:

  1. More pictures is always a good thing! Happy for ya so now you will never miss out on a moment! ;) Thank goodness for digital cameras so we can take a billion pictures, right?!
