Saturday, October 27, 2012


 We had our first snow Wednesday night.  We woke up to tons of snow on Thursday.  And then it has snowed off and on since.  This morning there wasn't much snow left, but enough that the girls wanted to go make a snowman.  I wasn't sure if they would be able to, but they did!  Rylee did most of the work- she knew just what to do.  Ashlyn walked next to her as she rolled the ball.  Rylee rolled that ball clear across the yard!  She did a great job. 

 Holding hands- so cute! 
These girls can be the sweetest sisters, 
but they also fight like sisters as Matt always says!
I'm just glad they have their good moments too!

 Rylee made a long trail!

 They were trying to find things to put on it when I remembered a few years ago I had gotten a snowman kit free from Roberts.  So I went down and looked through all the Christmas stuff to find it.  The girls had fun decorating the snowman.  The scarf even came with the kit.

 Their first snowman by themselves!
They were so proud- and so was I!

 The cutest snowman I've ever seen!
After they had been back inside for a while, Rylee realized we forgot arms! 
I guess we'll get those on our next one!

It was a good thing they went out when they did in the morning because the rest of the snow melted during the day.  We'll see how long it lasts!