Thursday, October 18, 2012

3 Months

 Kaylie is 3 months old today!

 Ashlyn (and Rylee too) can always make her smile!

Kaylie is a very good baby.

She used to cry ALL the time she was in her carseat.  She still doesn't like it too much, but she won't cry the whole time anymore.  And she will actually finally sleep in the carseat!  Both Rylee and Ashlyn were the same way.  The car never put them to sleep either.  Crazy kids!

She is starting to grab toys and anything else she can get in her mouth- usually her fists. 

She drools like crazy! 

She still wakes up 2-3 times a night.  But last night she slept a whole five hours in a row!  It was nice.  But then it was two hours after that!  She doesn't want me to get used to sleep, I guess!  But she is actually my best sleeper.  Well, Rylee was pretty good after a while.  Ashlyn was the worst- and still will fight sleep until the bitter end.  She's a night owl like her daddy.  Kaylie will go to bed between 8:30-9:30 so I can't complain about that!  I remember being up until 11 or 12 with the others.

She's such a morning person- she is so happy in the morning (which is more like me).

We all love her like crazy!


  1. She is a DOLL! Can't wait to squish her! I love the sister shots. It's no doubt they absolutely love her!

  2. Lilli is convinced that these are pictures of her-- must be the red hair!

  3. She is too cute! I love her headbands and cute outfits! Kirk doesn't like his car seat either. . . they must be related! :) I don't know how you get up in the morning to teach after being up all night! You're amazing!
