Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Rylee's Birthday

 Rylee's sixth birthday was on Monday.  

She got to do all of her favorite things- play with friends at the daycare, play with friends and eat cupcakes with them at school, play with friends at the school family fun night, and play with cousins (friends) at her family party.  As you can tell, she loves playing with friends!!  So I hardly saw her all day, but I know she was having a good time.

 Rylee and Ashlyn have been dying to have their faces painted ever since we went to the circus in June and they saw people getting their faces painted.  So they were excited to finally get it done.

 Playing with their best friends from the daycare- Savannah and Olivia.  Savannah is in Rylee's class and her sister, Olivia, was in my class last year.

 Rylee scratched off her face paint- she said it hurt her face.
I guess it wasn't worth the wait!

 Waiting in line for the bouncy slide.

 I didn't know Ashlyn went down the slide with them until they got off, so I didn't get her in the picture!

 Rylee wanted a bow and arrow, so Matt found her a real one online.  It's pretty heavy duty so I don't know if she'll actually be able to use it for a while.  But oh well.  It's pink!

 Here's a banner I bought for her friend party- which will be a butterfly and ladybug party.  But I thought we may as well put it up.  And it was only 60 cents at Zurchers!!!

 Rylee was excited to have her name written on a cake.  I usually make birthday cakes, but I just couldn't deal with it this time.  And this is much better than I could have made!

 The family party theme was Brave- Rylee likes that Merida has a bow and arrow.  So I found some Brave cupcakes.

 I had to get some pictures of Kaylie, of course! 

 Erin gave Rylee another scary doll.  She gave Rylee her first one a couple of years ago and it's her favorite toy ever.  She has four altogether now and she loves them!

 Oma gave her a cool Barbie car!

 My mom and I gave Rylee the same card!!!  
Great minds think alike (and shop at Kohl's!!)

 Rylee was excited for another cute eyes animal to add to her collection- and she has quite the collection now!

 Brave pjs and doll to go with the theme from Grandma.

Smiling at Grandpa Blatter.

 Oma is holding cousin Anna- she's a few months older than Kaylie and they both have red hair!

 This picture should have been first- she got to open a present early and it was two cute eyes- a bee and a ladybug and a cute eyes dog keychain.

Ashlyn loved her rainbow and was sad to wash it off.

Rylee had such a fun birthday.  
We were so happy that everyone could come celebrate with us.  
What a lucky girl to have two sets of grandparents 
and two sets of great-grandparents come to her birthday party!  

1 comment:

  1. Looks fun! Can't say I blame her about her face paint tho, it dries and makes your skin tight. Can she shoot her bow?
