Monday, May 10, 2010

Really Good Movie

Matt, Rylee, Cory, and I went to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D on Saturday. I loved it! I wasn't sure if Rylee would like it in 3D, but she kept her glasses on and was on the edge of her seat the whole time. She was so into it- it was so fun to watch her watch it. She loved it. I liked the 3D effects of this one much better than Alice in Wonderland. Later that night she didn't sleep very well and I was worried she was having nightmares about dragons or something, but one time she woke up she said, "I sure liked that dragon movie!"

Ashlyn went with us, but she was having too much fun going up and down the steps and running through the seats laughing, so Matt called his mom and she came and got her. (Thanks, Oma!) She's been watching TV and movies a little bit so I thought she might sit through it, but I was wrong!


  1. Really? You like it? And Rylee liked it? I didn't really have much of a desire to see it, but maybe I will. How nice that you have a connection to see good movies! :)

  2. Yes, it was so good- you should go! Rylee loved it!
