Sunday, May 30, 2010

All About Rylee

Our sharing time at church today was about learning about our ancestors and keeping a journal ourselves. So they gave all the children a paper for them to write a few things about themselves. At first the little ones were just going to draw something, but then another primary counselor thought it would be a good idea for all of them to fill it out at home. I thought it would be fun too to hear what Rylee has to say about herself. So I asked her these things and these are her answers. Some of the answers might seem a little strange, but we were still finishing up our dinner of chicken and pineapple. Matt told Rylee she should have been born in Hawaii because she likes pineapple so much. Then we told her that she went to Hawaii when she was Ashlyn's age and we told her all the things we did. So see if you can guess which ones were in reference to that!!

My name is: Rylee Blatter
I was born on: October 1, 2006 (actually she said October one)
My eyes are: blue
My hair is: brown
The people in my family are: Mom, Ashlyn, Daddy
My favorite food is: pineapple and chicken
I don't like to eat: pigs
My favorite color is: blue
My favorite candy is: chocolate (she said something else that I couldn't understand)
I am most happy when: I'm jumping on the tramp and swimming (I helped her a little on that)
I get scared when: I see sharks and tigers
When I grow up I want to be: Jessie, the yodeling cowgirl (yes, her exact words!)
I am really good at: drawing Mommy and Dad(and she is!)
I enjoy primary because: I like to draw names (I think she means writing her own name, but I'm not sure)
If I could visit one place on Earth it would be: the city, the temple (she said the city first and then I asked her what city and she said the temple)

We had talked about the ocean in Hawaii and she asked if we saw sharks, but we told her we didn't. So I think that's where that one came from. Then we told her about eating a pig at the luau (I don't know why!) so she said she didn't like those and they were yucky!

Anyway, it was fun to hear her answers!


  1. Rylee is so old! What happened?

    I like that she likes blue, too!

    And, about the drawing names in Primary, Macie likes that too...they draw the names out of the jar and they get to pick the song or be the helper or whatever. Could that be what she likes? Just trying to help!;-)

  2. They do that every once in a while, but not very often. So I don't know!
