Monday, July 25, 2011

Ears Pierced

We've been talking about getting Ashlyn's ears pierced for a while. And a few days ago she must have been watching me put Rylee's earrings in and she said she wanted her ears pierced. We were going to do it today after we went to the story time at the library and before Rylee's swimming lessons, but we didn't have enough time. Ashlyn was so upset at swimming lessons because she wanted to swim too- she even had to wear her swimming suit. But she has to be three to do lessons.

So after we got home the only thing that would calm her down is when we said we could go get her ears pierced. She was really excited- she wants earrings like Rylee's. So we went to the mall, but they only had one person and we thought it would be better to get both ears done at the same time. So we had to wait about 20 minutes for another person to get there. Then she picked out her earrings- pink, with a little coaching, but she really does like pink! Rylee was so set on blue earrings and there was no way I could talk her into pink!

She sat on the chair by herself while the lady cleaned her ears, but then she had to sit on my lap- not because she was scared but because it was easier for the ladies to pierce them. So then they did it- both ears at the same time. And she didn't make a peep or move a muscle! Rylee cried a little when she had hers done, but Ashlyn didn't cry at all! She was very tired, however, and we did give her Tylenol just before we left, so that must have helped! Either that or she's just tough! I remember getting my ears pierced when I was five and it hurt! It took Ashlyn a minute to realize what had just happened, and then she was pretty happy! She got to pick out a sticker too! Now she really is a big girl!!

She's carrying her sack of stuff from Claire's.

1 comment:

  1. Such a big girl! Sadly, Macie has to wait until she's 8! If I had it my way, they would have been pierced when she was teeny tiny! Oh well! She looks very proud...and very cute!
