Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rachel's Challenge

My school was on the news yesterday and my name was mentioned. And the first kid they talk to is one of my students.

Rachel was one of the students killed in Columbine. Before she died she had written an essay about kindness and how the world would be so much better if everyone were kind. So our school adopted this program last year and every time a student saw an act of kindness, they wrote it on a chain link. The kindness acts were small and simple, but they made a difference to someone who noticed. My class was so excited about this chain and made the longest one of the school- it was hung in our class and it went all the way around. I'm really proud of my class for being kind and looking for kindness around the school and also for setting a goal to make our chain go around the room and accomplishing that goal. I think we can all learn from this and take on the challenge to be kind to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. very cool! I'm impressed! I like how she said your name! ;-)

    {don't worry, the news girl is weird anyway, she's marrying Dave!}
