Monday, August 30, 2010

I Survived!

Today was the first day of school. It was cold and rainy start to the year, but I think it went well. I always hate the first day of school- I think I'm more nervous than the kids. Saturday night I don't know if I was having nightmares that made me sick or I was sick so I was having nightmares. It seems like I was up all night. But the nightmares were about school and not everything was ready. Last night I slept a little better. I slept well until 3:30 and then couldn't really go back to sleep. Waking up at 6:30 is not easy- we've been waking up between 7:30 and 8:00 all summer- sometimes even later! But everything was ready and went smoothly, so I'm glad the first day is out of the way.

After school Rylee started dance and gymnastics. She was very excited! But she fell asleep on the ride home so I hope it's not too much for her. They do dance for half an hour and then gymnastics for another half an hour. She could do just one or the other, but I thought she might like them both. We'll see how things go. She said she liked it today- she seemed to have fun.

So it looks like we're off to a crazy, busy year. I miss summer already!


  1. I can't believe it is time for school already! Time flies!

  2. Yay!! Glad you are enjoying it already. I wish we would have gotten together more over the summer break though!

    Where are you taking Rylee for dance and gymnastics? I have been wanting to get Birkli into something, but couldn't decide between those 2 things. So this place counts it as 1 class and they do both things? I wonder if it is too late to get Birkli in. Let me know some details k?

    Have a good time at school! I wish you taught at our school! I'm sure you are a great teacher!
