Saturday, May 25, 2013

Playing Around

 These two adore each other!

 Stealing a drink from Ashlyn's sippy cup

 Kaylie is pulling up to EVERYTHING!

 She sure loves her daddy.

 Ashlyn is getting so good at writing her name.  
The "s" is kind of hard, but she's getting it!  
She used to write her name with just an "A."  
So she's come a long way!  

 Boxes are so much fun- especially if all three girls can fit in it!

 Kaylie crawling out the window.

 One of Ashlyn's many poses.

 Eating the box is fun too.

 Playing peek-a-boo.


 Kaylie's first drawing on the box!

 Kaylie's new favorite game- pull up to the DVDs and pull them all out- so fun!
At least she picked the second best movie of all time!

 She even knows how to open the DVD player and take out the DVD's- lovely!
When the other girls were little, the DVD player was up high so it wasn't ever a problem.  

 The older girls went to the store with Daddy so Kaylie had the "house" all to herself and loved it!

 Playing the piano and singing.

Life is definitely more fun with my girls- never a dull moment!


  1. Wait a minute....if While you were sleeping is the 2nd best movie of all time, what's the first? I thought that was your favorite??
    Cute girls! I haven't seen you for awhile!!

    1. The Parent Trap (old one) is the best!

    2. Oh my gosh! How could I forget?!? Oops!
