Monday, June 4, 2012

First T-Ball Game

 Today was Rylee's first t-ball game.  
Her team is the Blue Butterflies.  
She was so excited to play a real game.  

 The first position she played was catcher- she did a great job considering she had never practiced that before and didn't really know what to do!  She did get someone out though!

 Then she was center field- obviously not too exciting!  
Actually I think she was just tying her shoe because she didn't sit the whole time!

 She hit the ball the first time each time she batted. 
 It took a lot of the girls a few swings- or more- before they actually hit it!

 First base.

 Running from second to third.

 And back home!

 Her team also got water bottles from their sponsor- Pro Image.

She's in the middle playing Rover
(I think that's what it's called!)

 At the end they got a treat and a drink.  
It was super hot- today we might actually break a record in the 90s. 
But I didn't think it would be so hot at 9:00 in the morning!
So we also got a snow cone after.
Grandma and Grandpa also came to watch.

It's funny because yesterday we were talking to Cory about when he played t-ball and he said the best part was the squeeze-its.  It made me laugh because I hadn't heard of those in a long time and wondered if they still made them.  But that's what Rylee's drink was today!  So we had to get a picture of it for Cory's sake!!  Maybe Rylee will just remember the squeeze-its too!  

She can't wait until her next game!

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