Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 Rylee decided she wanted to be Alice today instead of Minnie.  She didn't like the gloves and the paint on her nose, but it worked out because I wore those things instead!  And she got to use another costume we borrowed from Lindsay that my mom made. 

And I was Minnie- my mom made the dress and she had bought the shoes from the Disney Store a few years ago.  The shoes were a big hit at school- everyone thought they were great!  So a huge thanks to my mom for making two of the three costumes and to Lindsay for making one and letting us borrow two!  We went to my parents' trunk-or-treat, but I will have to get some pictures from my mom before I post anything.  We had a lot of fun and the kids got a lot of candy.  I have to say though, as much fun as it is, I'm glad Halloween is over!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! I was expecting to see you dressed up as the witch. Love the change up! And love the shoes!
