Saturday, March 5, 2011

East Idaho Dance Showcase

As she was getting ready, we realized her Lalaloopsy doll was the same color as her costume, so she had to be in the picture too!

Hailey did her hair- THANK YOU, HAILEY!
They had to have it done a certain way and
I'm not very good at ringlets,
so I asked Hailey if she would do it for us.
She did a great job!

It was at Shelley High School.
She also has an end-of-the-year recital in May,
so this was just an extra chance to perform.

Rylee with Jeneva- a girl in her primary class.

Ashlyn really wants to dance too!
Too bad she has to wait another couple of years!

We were on the front row, but not in the right spot. And Rylee was in the back row, so it was hard to get pictures and video. We got lots of pictures of the girl in front of her though!

Rylee's dance teacher gave them all a sucker, but Rylee had a little taste and didn't like it. So she gave it to Ashlyn. And I actually ended up with it!

Rylee did a great job!

1 comment:

  1. oh she looks beautiful!! so grown up:) ah the many hours watching dance performances so much fun!! hope all is well.
