Monday, October 26, 2009

Pictures, Blankets, and Halloween

We've had a pretty uneventful week. Not very many pictures anyway! Rylee did go in last Monday to have her 3-year pictures taken at Sears. I hate getting professional pictures taken. I guess I shouldn't, but I expect when I go in that I will get some good pictures. And I did of Rylee- she's getting more cooperative. But I tried to get some of her and Ashlyn, but none of them turned out quite right. We got some that were ok, but not great. I didn't like our photographer either. And I always feel like I'm paying way too much or I don't get just what I want. We got pictures with my kids and Lindsay's kids at Penney's when they were here, and that was a nightmare!! Ashlyn cried the whole time. Rylee was just uncooperative. Lindsay's kids were better. Anyway, I hate getting pictures taken!! I want to get family pictures for Christmas though, so we'll probably go back to Sears.

Saturday was our ward's relief society "Super Saturday," so I spent the day learning how to and making a fleece blanket. They're not tied, but kind of like that. It was for Ashlyn because it was Minnie Mouse and Rylee already has a Minnie blanket, but it's so huge! I'm not very good at sizing things! But I would rather have it too big than too small. It's more of an adult blanket than a baby's. So I might make another smaller one and just use the bigger one in her crib. I took pictures, but I'm too lazy to go get my camera, so that will have to wait. But it turned out really cute. I made a tied one from a kit for Rylee that's Tinker Bell. I wish I would have waited because I like this technique better, but oh well. It really only took a few hours.

So nothing too exciting going on. We're getting ready for Halloween. Rylee is going to be Tinker Bell and Ashlyn is going to be a bee. We're going to try to go to Boo at the Zoo on Friday. Rylee liked it last year. Ashlyn will probably be Tigger for that because it's a warmer costume. So I'll be sure to take pictures!

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