Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day at Grandma and Grandpa's

 They found like 12 ladybugs.

 I don't think I've ever let a ladybug crawl on me, 
but I'm glad that Rylee isn't afraid!
 Raking the leaves
 And having tons of fun playing in them!

 Of course Rylee had to play with the dog.  
Again, I'm glad she's not afraid!

 I'm glad Grandma captured some good smiles of Ashlyn.  
It helped that she was having so much fun!

 Rylee jumping in!

 Uncle Cory drew a picture of Rylee.
 And then she drew her own pictures- 
she seriously amazes me with her art. 

Thanks, Grandma, Grandpa, and Cory, for the fun day!  
And for the great pictures!

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