Saturday, January 19, 2013


 I can't believe January is over half over and I just barely made a folder for pictures on my computer for 2013!  We haven't done anything very exciting- January is probably the least exciting month.  Except for Matt's birthday, we don't really have anything going on.  It's usually just snowy and cold.  And it's a long month with no days off from school.  (We did get last Monday off because it was super cold, but that doesn't happen very much.)  But I have taken a few pictures (mostly of Kaylie) of our month so far.
Kaylie loves being in her high chair to eat.  
And Ashlyn always wants to sit by her and feed her.

 Her bald spot in the back is growing in- her hair is still as red as can be!

 Sitting up to play is so fun!

 I sit behind her sometimes just to make sure she doesn't fall.  So I ask the girls to do that too if I have to do something else, but they usually both just end up falling over.  They don't understand that they don't have to touch her, just be there in case she falls.  But they hug her and fall over!

 Kaylie gets so jealous if somebody else is eating or drinking, so I gave her a cup of water.  I think she knows the girls are drinking something better!  She's not too into the water!

She loves her new jumper!

 Jam face!

Now that she's sitting up, we don't do as much tummy time as we should.  But Rylee tries to show her how to crawl when she is on her tummy.  I don't think I'm ready for that yet!

1 comment:

  1. Us either! Kirk loves to sit up, and hates tummy time so he will probably never crawl now. :) Alison she is seriously such a cutie! I love her eyes and hair! When Graham was born with red hair I was so worried he would get teased, and I am sure he will in the future, but so far all he gets is compliments from all the old ladies everywhere we go! I am sure everyone out there just loves Kaylie's hair! and I love her bald spot, Kirk's is gigantic. I can't wait to snuggle her! (someday!)
