Friday, January 18, 2013

Half Birthday!

 It's Kaylie's half birthday today!  
She's six months old!

(Teachers are probably the only people who know or care about half birthdays, but it's how we celebrate those poor kids with summer birthdays.  I'm totally kidding- summer birthdays are the best!  Who wants to go to school on their birthday?!?  So I would definitely celebrate a half birthday at school than my real birthday.)

 We just barely brought the crib upstairs!  I know- we're lazy!  But having her in the bassinet in our room has been working perfectly.  She is a pretty quiet sleeper so having her in our room wasn't bad.  She slept pretty well in it, but lately has been needing more room I think.  So two nights ago we brought it up and she has been sleeping in it.  Last night was better than the first.  But I think she likes it. 
 The girls like getting with her in it too!
(Rylee gets a sticker every day from her bus driver and wears it all day!)

Kaylie goes to the doctor on the 30th for her checkup, so I don't have any stats on her yet.   But she's a great baby and we love her.  She has been eating rice cereal and oatmeal and little snacks.  I think we're going to start her on veggies and fruit soon.  I think she will like it.  She started sitting up on New Year's Eve, so she's been playing like that a lot.  She loves looking around and seeing what everyone's doing.  The girls are still so in love with her.  They love holding her and playing with her.

This last picture is how she looks a lot- she sucks her lip.  It's so funny!  She's a cutie- and people are always telling us how much they love her red hair- we love it too! 

Happy Half Birthday, Kaylie!
We love you!