Friday, December 30, 2011

Ashlyn's Birthday Party

 I just had to throw this one in- it was taken on her birthday.  But it shows just how much she loves this thing!  She was being really quiet in her room a few times and this would be how I would find her- with the headphones on.  The girls like to use the headphones because they're different and they haven't used them much.  But they don't realize how nice it is for the rest of us!
 I couldn't find a Rapunzel shirt, so I got her this dress instead on sale that she can even use for a Halloween costume.  It's pretty big- I think it would fit Rylee. 

 Cory made the banner in the window.  
He had made some other decorations- lanterns and stuff- too, 
but I didn't know what to do with those.  
So we just used this!
 Here they are with their Rapunzel dolls- 
Cory gave Rylee hers two birthdays ago and Ashlyn got hers this Christmas.  

 Mercedes and Ashlyn playing with the castle.

 I liked this picture of Ashlyn and Cory smiling at each other- so cute!

 Grandma, Ashlyn, and Grandpa

 I remembered to have my mom take a picture of me with the birthday girl!

 Ashlyn loves giving hugs to Cosette and holding her!

 Oma is helping Ashlyn open the Cinderella light she gave her.
And it looks like all of the girls thought it was pretty neat!

 When she opened the Rapunzel pj's from Grandma and Grandpa, she couldn't wait to put them on.  She loves pajamas and wears them most of the time we're at home. but she couldn't wait to take off the dress too!  Oh, and she's holding the money she got from Grandma and Grandpa Blatter.  Somehow she also managed to sneak in her binky. 

Side note about the binky:  Matt has been telling her for a few months that after her birthday she doesn't get her binky anymore.  I was a little nervous, but the day after her birthday, I told her the binky fairy came to give them to little babies who needed binkies.  She had a couple of meltdowns, but not too bad.  She has gone 3 days without a binky- even at night- and I'm surprised at how well she's taken it!  When she does ask for it- which is more out of habit than anything- I just remind her about the binky fairy and she's fine. 

 Giving Grandma a hug.

 And one for Grandpa.

 Mercedes helped Ashlyn blow out her candles!

My cute little three-year-old!

She had a great birthday and was so excited that her friends could come over- it was family, but she considers all of her cousins her friends, so thanks everyone for coming and for celebrating with her!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! This is such a beautiful theme. I went to a party last week with my daughter which was in one of the NYC venues and they had the frozen theme for the party. This party looks amazing and the castle is fascinating. She is actually very cute.
