Monday, September 2, 2013

The Fair

 We went to the fair on Saturday.
First stop- lunch.

 Kaylie gives the best kisses!

 Then the big girls got their faces painted.

 Rylee wanted me to take a picture with her eye closed so she could see the whole effect.

 Kaylie loved the horses- she said "Wow!" a lot!

 We were just in time for the monkey show.
I guess this monkey is famous and has been a lot of tv shows and movies.
It did some tricks- flips and stuff.
But it was so hot that I couldn't stand it- we were right in the sun.  
So Kaylie and I found some shade while Matt, Rylee, and Ashlyn watched the show.

 Kaylie sat on the tractors- she seemed to know just what to do!

 She was crazy happy!

 At the end, you could pay to get your picture taken with the monkey.
When the girls saw other people getting theirs taken and they saw it actually touched them, 
they wanted to make sure that didn't happen!
They all sat on Matt's lap.
So it only touched Matt.
There could only be four people per picture, so I didn't mind not being in it.

 Cute little pigs in the petting zoo.

 I think Kaylie likes to pet the little animals better than the big horses!

 Rylee found her puppies!
They had them a couple of years ago, 
but then they didn't have them last year and she was so disappointed.  
So she was so happy to see them this year!

 I didn't get a very good picture of Ashlyn's face painting at the fair, so I took one at home.
I don't know why they like it so much. 
Especially Rylee thinks getting her face painted is the best thing ever.
But then we just take a bath and wash it off the same night!

 Rylee is riding her big bike now and loving it!

Our new patio- it's kind of a mess still, but you can see how big it is!
I don't know if we'll get to it this year, but we will definitely eat out here a lot next summer!

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