Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Celebration


Matt petting the dog in the background.

Grandma playing with the kids-
they loved this turtle thing in the backyard!

As you can see Rylee smiles well for the camera,
but she needs to practice actually looking at it!

Grandpa and Ashlyn

Rylee, (the other) Cory, Brooke, and Laura
(she didn't know she was in the picture too, so I took another one!)

Grandpa's girl- I love this picture!

Rylee, Bo, and Cory

Ashlyn wasn't quite sure about a big dog!
(Good thing he was on a leash or she wouldn't have gotten this close!)
She likes little dogs much better!

Great-Grandpa's hose- so much fun!
She used it like a telephone and a microphone!

Rylee, Myrt, Ashlyn, and Great-Grandpa

Yes, we celebrated the 4th of July on the 3rd, but it's all the same to me. We should celebrate our country and freedom every day of the year, right?! So we went to the parade, the kids had naps (even Rylee!), we went to Myrt's for a barbecue, and then walked to the fireworks. Can't get better than that!

My Aunt Laura, Uncle Larry, my cousin, Brooke, and her husband, Cory, came to Myrt's this year. Usually there's more people than this year, but we had a great time anyway. The food was delicious! Brooke and Cory brought their dog, Bo (not sure how to spell it!) with them. Rylee has been loving dogs lately, but it was a little bigger than the ones she's used to. But she warmed up pretty quickly to him- he's a nice dog. And Cory and Brooke were so nice to let Rylee and Ashlyn play with them and the dog.

It was nice to be able to celebrate the 4th on the 3rd and then Cory's birthday on the 4th. Of course, it was nice to get two dinners at Myrt's out of the deal too! Thanks, Myrt, for letting us come over and being such a great hostess!

1 comment:

  1. looks like a fun 4th!! sad we missed it this year! there really is nothing like the 4th in idaho falls! Hope Cory had a happy birthday! can't believe he's 20! it was so fun to have you guys stop by on your way to cali! what darling girls!! looks like your trip was a success!!
