Monday, September 2, 2013

New Haircuts

 Rylee has wanted her hair cut ever since I got mine cut about a month ago.  
So she finally got it cut last Friday and she loves it!
She is all ready for first grade tomorrow!

 Then of course Ashlyn decided she wanted hers cut to on the way to get Rylee's cut!
She wanted it just like Rylee's!

Kaylie did not get her hair cut, but she is the only one these days that will sit in the chair voluntarily and let me do her hair without complaining!
After she sees Rylee and Ashlyn have a turn, she will come over and sit in the chair!
I know that won't be the case when I actually do more than a ponytail every few days!


  1. What a woman! Not fight back and sit for getting her hair done! I hope she keeps this up. That's awesome!

    Their new do's look so cute and healthy! Fun change for school for them!

  2. I love love love their haircuts! Short hair is so much easier! It's not as "fun", but so much better in the mornings before school! They look adorable! Maybe now Macie will be convinced that she should cut hers again!

  3. Love their hair cuts! I love short hair!
