Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of First Grade

 Well, this was actually Sunday night when Rylee pulled her own tooth for the first time!
She did it so fast, I couldn't believe it!  
When that girl decides to do something, she does it!

 Showing where it was- her permanent tooth was actually growing over it so it had to come out!

 Showing off her new puppy backpack!

 She had to wear a puppy shirt to go with her backpack!
She just asked me before she went to bed when she could have a dog.  
Oh, I hope this is just a phase!
I don't know how many times I can bear to tell this poor child she can't have a dog!

Rylee and her teacher, Mrs. Lawson
I'm so glad Rylee gets to go to my school- Edgemont has the best teachers! 
She even gets to be in my old classroom!

1 comment:

  1. How in the world is she in first grade already? HOLY COW! I can't believe how grown up she looks! Graham wants a pet too, I just can't do it either! :)
