Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend with Erin

 My sister, Erin, and her husband, Derek, came to visit for the weekend.

Ashlyn's half birthday is on my birthday.  But that only confused the poor child because she thought we should be celebrating her birthday too.  My mom had made me a cake for my birthday, but since my ice cream cake was so big we waited to have it the next day when Erin could be there.  And then my mom told Ashlyn it was for her half birthday and she was so happy- as you can see in the pictures! 

 All Kaylie wants to do is go outside- she doesn't like crawling on the grass though.  She would rather crawl on the cement- ouch!  Well she's not actually crawling in these pictures though! 

 My parents, Kaylie, and I were in the front yard in the shade, not knowing everybody else was in the backyard!  So we joined them in the back.

 Rylee and Ashlyn were practicing hitting the ball, which turned into almost everybody playing a game of baseball!  It was pretty fun.  Matt stayed inside where it was cool though.

 Kaylie cheered for everybody!

 My mom was mostly in the "outfield," but even she took a few turns hitting the ball and running the bases!

 Erin held Peanut most of the time and Grandpa held Kaylie on the swings.

 We took a timer picture with the camera on the tee!

 Erin decided to hit it a few times too!

 We played for quite a while- it was definitely past Kaylie's bedtime when we finished!
But it was lots of fun!

 On Saturday we went bowling. Matt, the girls, and I were on the lane with the bumpers.  Cory, Erin, and Derek were on another without.  Matt had the highest score, and Rylee and Cory tied for second!  They were the only ones to break 100!  Cory was the only one of them without bumpers, but I think Matt would have gotten that score without too!  We definitely need to go more often so I can get a better score!  Rylee even got a strike!

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