Friday, July 19, 2013

She's One!

 Yesterday was Kaylie's first birthday!
I can't believe my baby is one already!

 She's starting to take a few steps- more and more each day!

 We went to swimming lessons.

 She got a package from Aunt Erin in the mail.

 The big girls helped me decorate the cupcakes for the ladybug party.


 Grandpa and Grandma

 Cory and his friends made this cute ladybug cake!
(Well, mostly his friends!)
I knew I would be too stressed to do a very good job and I couldn't have made it as cute as this!


 Giving Anna kisses!

 Oma and cousin Ellie from Austria

 I think she was our messiest first birthday eater.
But it didn't help that the frosting was red!!!

 She almost crawled across the whole backyard trying to hitch a ride with Mercedes and Cosette!

What a fun birthday- summer birthdays are the best!
We sure love this little lady of ours!
She makes us smile and laugh every day!


  1. Lillis first birthday cake was red too. She looked pretty gruesome when she was done!

  2. How can she already be one?? I need to meet her! Bring her here!!

  3. So fun! Love the ladybug cake! Happy birthday!
