Rylee lost her fourth tooth last night!
It's been loose for a while. She wanted Grandpa to pull it because she felt that it was his turn. He pulled her first and then Matt pulled two, so she wanted Grandpa to pull this one. But last night she decided her tooth was ready. She talked to Matt about it and that she didn't want him to pull it yet. Then by the time she walked to the other room where Ashlyn and I were, she changed her mind. She told us that we had to go watch Daddy pull her tooth and I had to hold her hand. So we sat on the couch, she opened her mouth, and Matt pulled her tooth. She didn't cry or back away or anything. She was so brave! Then she had to call her grandparents to tell them the news. She was way excited!

The tooth fairy even brought her a dollar that was folded into an airplane because she knew Rylee loves to make paper airplanes. But she left it on the table and Ashlyn got the scissors and cut it up when no one was with her. The little stinker. She's already banned from scissors because she cut off some straps on her church shoes and Rylee's sandals. So Ashlyn had to give Rylee one of her dollars.
This cracked me up because Graham is obsessed with scissors lately too! Too funny!