Yesterday was teddy bear day at the zoo. The kids got in free if they had a teddy bear. We went last year and waited in line forever, but this time we went a little earlier and didn't wait at all. It was the perfect day for the zoo- overcast and about 70 degrees. And it wasn't too busy- but there was a long line to get in as we left. It was a lot of fun! We didn't see Smokey the Bear this time though.

Some of the many monkeys.

The "singing" dog- not sure of the real name,
but singing dog was on the sign too.
It didn't sing for us though!

We didn't see the tigers-
they must have been sleeping.
Rylee was a little disappointed,
but this tiger and all the other animals made up for it, I think!


Giraffe skull.


Petting zoo.
Fortunately for me,
feeding time had just ended
so we couldn't go in even if the girls wanted to!!
I'm glad I didn't have to take them in.

Baby Camel.

Petting zebra fur.


Just before we left they had an Animal Encounters show so we could see some animals a little closer- they showed them on the stage and then walked around. It was pretty cool.

I forgot all of the actual names- this was an albino ferret thing.

Leopard tortoise, I think.

Some kind of hawk.

And our favorite- the hedgehog.
Rylee calls it a porcupine and even drew a picture of it for Matt for Father's Day!
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