So I dropped the girls off at my mom and dad's this morning while I went to school. And when I went to pick them up, I found out that Rylee lost her first tooth! I didn't even know she had a loose tooth and now it's gone! I'm a terrible mother- how could I not know?!? She hasn't said anything. I thought I had a while before this started happening! So my dad pulled it. I'm actually glad it wasn't me because I see enough loose teeth at school and I don't really like it. I didn't like it when my teeth were loose either. Myrt pulled most of my teeth. But I wish I could have been there, but what could they do? When a tooth is coming out, there's no stopping it! So I guess the fun with the tooth fairy begins!

Holy Cow! Already?!? Birkli still hasn't lost any teeth yet! My family was always slow tho. How's school? You are almost done! Yay! I am excited for our date at the end of the month! Craigo's here we come! :)