Last night Rylee said, "Ashlyn, come here. I'm going to read you a story." Ashlyn didn't really care, so I asked Rylee if she wanted to read to me. So we sat by each other on the couch and she started reading, "Once upon a time." Then she told about the picture. She turned the page and started with, "Once upon a time," and told about the picture. She did this for every page. Then at the end, she said, "Amen. Let's read another one!" So she read about 6 books to me. It was so cute. I love the Amen at the end! I hope she is this excited about school and reading in about 3 years!
On the way to and from Grandma's or Oma's she points out every school bus. Some of her friends at Oma's ride the bus to school and she wants to go to school too. That must come from me- I remember having my mom make me a lunch and going outside to wait for the bus when I was about 4- I wasn't in school yet. But my older sister, Erin, was and I wanted to go too. I don't know where I got the waiting for the bus thing though, because she didn't ride the bus! So I guess, like mother, like daughter!
(By the way, the bus never came for me- I don't know how long I waited!)
I LOVE how she read you stories!!!!!!!! SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read Graham stories but all he really wants to do is chew on them. Hopefully he will read to me someday too!