Rylee is 3 today! She has been very excited about her birthday- she's been talking about it for about a month. She's most excited about blowing out the candles and the balloons. She opened her presents from us this morning before I had to go to my meetings (that's why her hair is such a mess- she had just woken up). Matt and I (mostly Matt) decorated the living room with balloons, streamers, and a Tinker Bell banner. She woke up and saw it and was very excited. She asked, "It's my birthday, Mom?" So she opened a few presents, but she didn't want to let go of a little pink balloon while she did it. (It's in her hand in the picture.) It was actually one that fell off the wall as a decoration, but she found it and loved it. I said she could take a toy to Grandma's and she picked that balloon! She is having a Tinker Bell party tonight when our families can come. I will post more pictures of her party later.
Happy Birthday, Rylee!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RYLEE!! I'm glad we were able to talk to you on your birthday! I can't believe you're 3!