Jacob and Ashlyn crawling after the cat
before I got in the way

Rylee and Macie-
such crazy, cute 3-year-olds

I just loved this picture of
Grandpa with Lindsay's kids

All together on the tramp

Erin and the girls just before church

The "big kids" showing off their Spiderman tattoos
Aunt Erin gave them to Rylee for her birthday-
she loves Spiderman!

Aunt Erin with the babies

Macie, Erin, and Lindsay
Erin, Lindsay, Noah, Macie, and Jacob came to surprise my dad on his birthday last week. They hadn't been here for a while. Jacob had never been to Idaho. The last time Lindsay, Noah, and Macie were here was when Cory graduated. So it was fun to have them come and play with us. Rylee loved having Erin stay with us. I don't know if Erin liked it as much as we did! And Rylee and Ashlyn had fun playing with their cousins. We even went to JCPenney for a photo shoot- what a nightmare! My kids were the worst! Ashlyn cried the whole time (we later found out she had an ear infection, so I'm blaming her behavior on that!) and Rylee was good for the first few minutes. So the pictures didn't turn out too well of my kids, but at least we tried! They stayed here for a week, so we were able to spend a lot of time together and have lots of fun. Erin even baby-sat the girls while I was at school, which was a big help because I didn't have to wake them up in the morning. We miss them and can't wait to see them again. Rylee still asks where Erin is. We are going to try to go see them during spring break. Thanks for coming, guys- we love you!