Oma gave us this swing for our swingset. Ashlyn loves it! She could probably swing for hours. And the higher the better. Rylee always liked to go high too- and still does.
Well I think we're ready to go back to school. We had a wonderful summer- I think we all enjoyed it. I probably enjoyed it the most. Rylee and Ashlyn (especially Rylee) are ready to go back to play at Oma's and Grandma's. We did a lot this summer and had a really good time being together. It sure is nice not to have to be ready and out the door by 8 in the morning. But I think we're ready to get back into a regular routine. And hopefully we'll get into a bedtime routine that doesn't make me crazy! Ashlyn has been waking up at least 4 times a night for a few weeks. I can handle once or twice (not very well, but I can handle it!), but more than that is too much for me! So hopefully once we get back into the swing of things, that will get better too.
I will really miss the girls during the day, but I know they are always well taken care of by their grandmas! So I go back Monday to set up my classroom and get things ready. Then school starts on August 31. Wish me luck!
Alison-- I am thoroughly impressed with the blog and your consistency! It looks so dan cute and you sound GREAT! Tell Matt to let us know if he needs any help after his surgery. We'd love to help out if he needs it. Really!