Already?!? I can't believe she's 8 months old- where has the time gone? She's crawling a little more each day. She sure loves Rylee- she's a lot of fun to play with. It's funny to see and hear Rylee with Ashlyn. She wanted to hold Ashlyn at church on Sunday and she rocked her and sang "We are a Happy Family." I think that's her favorite song. I sing it a lot and I just found out that Oma sings it at her house too- so she can't help but have it in her head all the time! And then today Ashlyn was getting fussy at the hospital and she bent down to her in the stroller and said, "You're OK," and then gave her a kiss on the head. It was so cute! Rylee is so good with babies.
Well, I'm pretty much ready for school on Monday. But no matter how ready I am, I always get so nervous on the first day. I go in tomorrow to finish some little things and plan with the other first-grade teachers. Hopefully Matt gets out this weekend- before Monday. He said today has been his worst day- he's been feeling nauseated. The nurse said it was probably from the pain medication and gave him something to help before we left. Hopefully he's feeling better.
Ash is so cute! I can't believe it's been 8 months either! Where does the time go? Very cute, you good little blogger, you! I'm a slacker, I know. One day I'll catch up. One day.