Thursday, June 27, 2013

Last Day of TBall

 Today was the girls' last TBall game of the year.
We're kind of sad, kind of happy!
It's been fun to watch them play, but it will be nice to not have to go anywhere . . .
 until swimming lessons begin!

 Rylee hugging her coach after getting her medal.

 Ashlyn getting her medal.

 Grandma and the girls.  
I think Grandma only missed one game, but was there for the rest. 
And Grandpa was there for most of them too.
 He was working today so he could go to my birthday party later.


  1. We have tball in February around here. It's crazy. We haven't done it for a few years, it's kind of sad. But, I like that your girls can just wear shorts! We had to buy actual baseball pants...and cleats. It was hardcore!

  2. We are just the little city of Ammon, after all! You have a real major league team in your city so those kids have to be ready!
