Friday, May 17, 2013


 Kaylie had her tube surgery this morning.  Everything went fine- I've heard it's harder for the parents than the child and I think that's true!  The doctor said he removed a lot of gunk- one ear was bulging with stuff.  So we know this had to be done.  Hopefully she returns to her happy, normal self.  She has actually been pretty happy through it all.  Nighttime was definitely the worst.  But she was usually happy during the day. 
 The big girls had a sleepover at Oma's so they and Kaylie had a happy reunion this afternoon!  Kaylie was so excited to see them- she gave them lots of kisses!  Kaylie is the kissiest baby- I love it!  She gives the best, wettest kisses with her mouth wide open! 

She loves her new trick- clapping!
She also loves to give high fives!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kaylie! Poor thing! I'm so glad that it went so well! It seems like the best solution. She already seems pretty happy, but I'm sure this will make her even happier!
