Thursday, April 18, 2013

9 Months

 I know I say it every time, but I can't believe Kaylie is 9 months old!  
That seems so old- she'll be a year old before we know it- crazy!

She is still nursing- twice as long as the other girls did and we're not done yet.  
It's weird nursing such a big, wiggly baby!

She is still not a great sleeper- 
she was on a good schedule for a couple of weeks waking up twice, 
but this last week she's been terrible. 
 I thought she might be teething because I didn't want to think she had another ear infections.  
But I haven't felt anything until today- 
well actually Matt noticed that she has a tooth poking out a little- not much.  
But I'm hoping that's the problem and nothing more serious.  
I tried to take a picture, but you can't really see much yet.  
You can barely feel it.  
And when I took the picture she wasn't happy, 
so I will try to take one when it's bigger. 
 Her first tooth- yay!

She is officially crawling today!  
She has been crawling backwards for a few weeks,
 then forward a little for a few days, 
and today she was all over the place! 
 It was crazy going from basically nothing to crawling everywhere! 
 She was sitting in the middle of her room and all of a sudden 
she had left the room and turned to see Ashlyn in the bathroom!  

She's getting too big too fast! 
But we sure love this little girl so much!

 These pictures were from a few days ago when she would mostly crawl backwards 
as much as she could and then get stuck with no more room to crawl!

 She can pull herself up a little to some things, but not everything yet.  
The time is coming soon though!

Crawling and pulling up- let the baby-proofing begin!


 Funny face!

 She loves to take her socks off and eat them!  
She gets them so wet that they can't go back on once she gets a hold of them!  

She's a drooly baby- I usually have a bib on her because she gets herself so wet.  
The other girls had to wear bibs because they spit up all the time.  
Kaylie never spit up too much- she's just always been drooly!

 I don't know what happened to her face- must have happened at the daycare.

I haven't really put shoes on her too much- I don't see the need.
But these matched and fit, so she wore them for a little while.

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