Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hurry, Christmas, Hurry Fast!

 We are very excited for Christmas around here.  I might even be the most excited!  I love everything about Christmas- it truly is the most wonderful time of the year!  My favorite part is the break from school- I can't wait to just be home with my girls and enjoy hanging out in our pjs all day!  So only five more days of school and then a full two-week break- hooray!

 How can Santa not love this smile?!?

 The girls love their chocolates every day.

 Rylee even marks Ashlyn's calendar for her each night so she will know which one to open the next morning- she's so thoughtful!

 Kaylie has been dying to have real food.  She watches everybody eat and I felt so bad.  So I gave her some rice cereal- she didn't like it too much.  She liked the spoon though!

 Don't you love Rylee's blue tongue- it seems like she always has a blue tongue.  That girl sure loves her blue kool-aid!  It's so easy to bathe Kaylie- she just gets in with the big girls and they hold her for me while I wash her off.  And she absolutely loves it- she splashes like crazy and doesn't want to get out.

 Ashlyn's tongue wasn't blue this time, but it usually is blue too!

Kaylie's Baby's First Christmas pjs even have a reindeer on the bum- how cute!!

Today is also our 12th anniversary- happy anniversary, Matt!


  1. Sooooo cute!! Love the Christmas outfits!! I am gonna forget to ask you this tomorrow but where do you get your countdown calendars? My kids would love this (for next year of course).

  2. They get them from matts mom, but i have seen them at zurchers.
