Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Kindergarten Roundup

 So Ashlyn's giving talks and Rylee's going to kindergarten next year- when did all this happen?!?

I had always hoped that Rylee would be able to go to my school- just because it's more convenient.  I could take her to or from school and she could ride the bus to or from the daycare.  The daycare is in Edgemont's boundaries.  But just to be on the safe side, I registered her at Ammon and at my school.  I told my principal and secretary that I would really like her to go to Edgemont.  But they kept telling me if there's room and that they might not know until school starts.  So I've been stressing about not knowing which school Rylee would go to.  

So Monday was Kindergarten Roundup for my school.  She was very excited, but the night before she told me she was a little "worried."  I think she thought she was actually going to school.  But I told her it was just a little while to see what kindergarten was like.  She got a dog invitation, so she wanted to wear her dog shirt.  So everything she did had a dog theme and she loved it.  My mom took her while the kindergartners now came to my class.  So I had to keep 50 kids busy for an hour- pretty crazy!  She had a great time and is so excited for school.

Monday morning the secretary said that there wasn't room in the morning classes which I had requested, but there were a few spots left in the afternoon.  But she didn't leave me feeling too good that she would be going there- registration goes all through the summer and who knows how many more kids there will be.  Then after school she told me that she had talked to the principal and that he would make sure that Rylee could go there.  What a relief- just knowing for sure where she will be going.  I thought I wouldn't know until school started.  I think they should have been able to tell me that months ago though!!  Oh well, it all worked out- thank goodness!  And she will be able to go on the bus and be in the same class as one of her friends from the daycare.

She's going to be an Edgemont Eagle!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she'll be in kindergarten. That's wild! Glad she had fun! I'm sure she'll love the real deal and at Edgemont. I loved that school!
