Miss Eve from the daycare talked us into going to the Easter egg hunt at Tautphaus Park. I hadn't been before, so I didn't know what to expect. It started at 10, so we got there around 9:30 and there were a lot of people there already. And it was freezing- I think when we left the house it was in the 20's, so literally freezing! So I almost didn't go, but I took the girls anyway. While we were waiting, Katisia and Gabe happened to stand behind us, so it was fun to see them and wait with them for a little bit. They started the countdown and Rylee and some other kids got a little bit of a head start, but then it started and I think all of the eggs were gone in less than a minute. Then we had to open all of the eggs to see if we won any prizes. We got a few eggs with numbers of prizes. but mostly candy. But the line was huge for the prizes so we waited in an almost as long of a line for the Easter Bunny. Then Ashlyn wouldn't even go see him, so just Rylee got her picture taken with him. Then we didn't wait in line at all for our prizes- 3 Farr's candy bars. So I don't know if it was quite worth it, but the girls had fun so that's all that matters, right?!?

I love this picture- they all love each other!
Isaiah was at wrestling, but we wish he could have been there too.
Was it crazy scarey with all those people there? Did your kids get very many eggs? I have wanted to check that out sometime, but it seems like I always hear that some kids don't even get any eggs cuz there are so many. Looks like they had fun tho, so it couldn't have been too bad! :)