Don't be fooled- it was not very warm outside. I don't think it was even 60 degrees and it was very windy, but the girls had to jump. And yes, they are wearing snow pants! I let them jump while I was making dinner and when I called them in to eat, Ashlyn asked if they could eat outside. So I couldn't resist. They ate on the tramp and I think they ate better out there than if they were inside. So maybe we'll eat out there more often! Crazy girls! The funniest thing was that it was Ashlyn's idea!

A week after Easter, Rylee still has bunnies on her mind! She made these herself and she made Cory draw her a face. She actually wanted the face last week, but we never got around to it.

Rylee drew this Mr. Potato Head and the pieces for it. She even drew dots where the pieces were supposed to go. She also drew dotted lines for me to follow as I cut out the pieces and you can also see the scissors she drew so I would know to cut there. She is so funny and very detailed with her artwork. She noticed the scissors on other papers we've cut out and remembered.

Ashlyn took a picture of Rylee.

Rylee took a picture of Ashlyn.
I love that they are wearing snow pants outside. Hilarious!!!! I miss those girls!