Here are more pictures from Rylee's birthday.

She knew just what to do with her guitar.
She was even making up songs as she played.

Playing at the park

What a beautiful day!

She had to have a taste of the cake during picture time.

Uncle Cory drew this picture of Jessie for Rylee-
he did such a good job!

Making a wish- I'm sure she wished for a dog!

Ashlyn had to take a turn too!

Matt's cousin, Erin, surprised Rylee by coming to the party with Grandma and Grandpa Blatter. Rylee loves Erin! She is going to school at BYU-I, so we're glad that she could come too!

Erin, Grandma, Ashlyn, and Rylee playing with the Play-doh.

Rylee made a beautiful flower-
she later added a face, but I didn't get a picture of that.
Thank you to those that came to Rylee's party. We are truly blessed to live so close to family! We missed those who weren't able to make it. We love you all!
the hat cake turned out great!