Rylee is a sunbeam! It's crazy that she's old enough to be a sunbeam! But she's been in nursery since she was 12 months old, so I guess it's about time for her to move on! Look at how much her hair has grown! She loved nursery though- she especially loved her teacher- she was always very good with Rylee. I just hope she likes her new sunbeam teachers as much- that would be me and Matt! Yes, that's even crazier- we're sunbeam teachers!
There are 12 sunbeams in our ward, so they had to make another class. So Matt and I and another couple each have 6 kids- it was quite interesting yesterday. They won't go to singing/sharing time for a few months (hopefully sooner!!) and they don't go to closing exercises until next week, so we had to entertain these kids for over an hour and a half straight! And Ashlyn came with us too! She was funny- she sat in a chair by one of the boys and just stared and smiled at him for a while! She's boy-crazy already!
Our time also got moved to 1:00- so that's going to be miserable! Ashlyn didn't take a nap before or during church (she fights sleep like no other), so she didn't take a nap until after church at 4. And Rylee was begging for a nap during sacrament meeting- literally begging! She would usually take a nap on Sunday right after church at 2. So she didn't get a nap at all. Did she go to bed any earlier though- no way! My kids are such night owls- I hate it! So I don't think I'm going to like this change! We've lived in this ward for five years and for one year we had 9:00 church and the rest was 11:00- I don't know why we didn't change, but we got used to that. Late church and sunbeams- it's going to be a long year!!!
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